We have just finished our breakfast with friends from Common Frontiers, PSAC, CUPE and CUPW, and are preparing to go register for the conference.
One of the aims of the People’s World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights – which starts this morning – is to work on the organization of the People’s World Referendum on Climate Change.
At this point, a set of five questions is being proposed as the subject of a global referendum that would presumably take place sometime between now and the climate summit in Cancun, Mexico in late-November.
The Yes/No questions are:
1) Do you agree with re-establishing harmony with nature while recognizing the rights of Mother Earth?
2) Do you agree with changing this model of over-consumption and waste that the capitalist system represents?
3) Do you agree that developed countries should reduce and re-absorb their domestic greenhouse gas emissions so that the temperature does not rise more than 1 degree celsius?
4) Do you agree with transferring all that is spent on wars to protecting the planet and allocating a budget for climate change that is bigger than what is used for defence?
5) Do you agree with a Climate Justice Tribunal to judge those who destroy Mother Earth?
How will you be able to vote in this referendum? Will Canadians vote ‘yes’ in great numbers in response to the five questions? When would it take place? Will these proposed questions be the ones that are asked? What will happen after the referendum? Will the results be taken to Mexico? Will the world’s leaders listen? Will the world’s peoples make them?
Through workshops and plenaries this week in Cochabamba the answers may become clear and momentum could grow in support of this global referendum.
Stay tuned.