Today at noon, about 30 people picketed outside Toronto Liberal Bob Rae’s constituency office in response to his incredible statements in the House of Commons on Wednesday, March 24 that the Colombia government can be trusted to perform its own human rights assessments once a free trade agreement is fast-tracked through Parliament. This is a flip-flop on the Liberal’s previous position, shared by Parliament’s international trade committee, that the Canada-Colombia FTA should not be ratified until an independent human rights impact assessment can be carried out.
We chanted “Bob Ray and Uribe, Time to Stop the FTA” and sang songs outside Rae’s office. John Barber of the Toronto chapter of the Council of Canadians set up an appointment to meet with the Liberal MP, along with members of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF) and Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). Below are some video clips of yours truly, along with Patty Ducharme, national executive vice president of PSAC, and Jennifer Giroux, executive board member for Region 6, Local 668 of OPSEU.
You can help reverse this Liberal flip-flop by writing to Liberal Members of Parliament here:
ACTION ALERT: Liberals must reject the ‘Brison deal’ on the CCFTA