They came, they saw, they gambled? This morning, local activists with the Council of Canadians Saskatoon Chapter asked councillors on their way in to the 75th annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention to take a risk on CETA and see how they fared. No matter how they rolled the dice, no matter what card they chose, the councillors ended up losing something important to their communities.
The guy in the tux is Scott, our Prairies regional organizer. In the ball gown with him is Karen, chapter chair, and at the very end you’ll see Lois and Celine of the Saskatoon chapter. Sandra was here with us, too. We handed out 1,000 postcards asking FCM delegates to “sit out this hand” — or to join the dozens of municipal governments representing over 5.5 million Canadians that want to opt-out of CETA.
To read our press release from today, click here. And for an op-ed I wrote for the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on how locally delivered public services will be affected by the Canada-EU trade deal, click here.