Thank you to everyone who joined the National Phone Zap on February 12th at noon!
If you were unable to join us, you can still participate by making a call:
As a part of the Canadian Health Coalition’s (CHC) lobby days from February 12-14, we’ll be meeting with MPs and Senators to send a clear message to the federal government: we need public pharmacare now and an end to privatization in health care.
But we need your voice to help amplify our call for strengthening – rather than dismantling – public health care. Will you join us for a lunchtime phone zap on Monday, February 12? That way MPs will be receiving hundreds of phone calls from across the country on the same day as they’re being visited in person by folks like me from the Canadian Health Coalition.
With the March 1 deadline for pharmacare legislation looming, we stand before a once-in-a-generation chance to expand the scope of Canadian Medicare. A universal, public pharmacare program will save lives and save money, freeing up resources so we can better tackle the multiple crises confronting overcrowded hospitals across the country.
But the battle for the kind of pharmacare program we get is far from over. Big Pharma and the insurance industry have been working around the clock to block public pharmacare for all. They want a pharmacare bill that excludes the vast majority of Canadians, so they can continue to line their pockets at the expense of our health.
To get the pharmacare we need, we must raise our voices and demand that the government puts care before profit and delivers universal pharmacare now.
I hope you’ll join us next week for this important action, where we’ll be connecting virtually on Zoom and making phone calls to our elected officials in support of the Canadian Health Coalition’s demands. To join this phone zap, you’ll need a device to join a Zoom call and a phone. We’ll provide talking points and a connection to the target MPs.
We are at a pivotal moment in the history of Canada’s health care system. It’s a moment of crisis, but also – potentially – a moment of renewal. Let’s make the most of it.