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Council of Canadians denounces extension of SWN Resources’ injunction

The Council of Canadians is denouncing the extension of SWN Resources’ injunction against legitimate anti-fracking protesters in Rexton, New Brunswick.

On Monday, a New Brunswick court granted an extension to SWN Resources’ injunction through to December 17. Council of Canadians members from the Fredericton chapter joined others outside of the courthouse with tape over their mouths to symbolize the silencing of their democratic voices by the court system.

“We are extremely disappointed at the court ruling and outraged at the RCMP brutality,” says Maude Barlow, National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians. “We are seeing the courts and the RCMP defending the interests of a private corporation over the interests of the people.”

“Today is the six-month anniversary of the first act of resistance against SWN Resources in Kent County by indigenous people, Acadians and Anglophones side-by-side. The struggle will continue through to the New Brunswick election next September. There were numerous actions across Canada on Monday responding to the Elsipogtog’s call for an Emergency Day of Action,” says Angela Giles, Atlantic Regional Organizer for the Council of Canadians. “The people of New Brunswick have made it clear that they do not want fracking on their land – which is unceded Mi’kmaq territory – and it’s time for the government to listen.”

The Council of Canadians is committed to supporting the Elsipogtog and anti-shale gas activists in their fight to defend their land and water from fracking and other threats.


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