WHAT: Participants will march to highlight the importance of protecting water from tar sands pipelines, train cars, and export supertankers, in solidarity with the Wolastoqewiyik (Maliseet People) and Mi’kmaq people, whose ancestral territories are threatened by the Energy East pipeline. All events are family friendly.
WHEN: Saturday, June 10th, 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
WHERE: Starting at 1:00 p.m., people will gather at the gravel parking area beside 955 Union Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick (borders the Nashwaak River and is just below the underpass of the Walking Train Bridge). The march will cross the bridge over the Nashwaak River.
Organized by: Fredericton chapter of the Council of Canadians.
Supported by: Red Head – Anthony’s Cove Preservation Association, Coule Pas Chez Nous, Maliseet Grand Council, the Peace and Friendship Alliance, and the Council of Canadians.
This event is part of a series of events titled “Hands across the water” that included a paddle down the Matapedia River in Quebec in solidarity with Coule pas chez nous on June 3 as well an upcoming march and picnic in Saint John on June 17.
For more information or to arrange interviews:
Dylan Penner, Media Officer, Council of Canadians, 613-795-8685, dpenner@canadians.org. Twitter: @CouncilOfCDNs