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Ontario Conservative Party donors asked to stop giving money

The Council of Canadians is calling Progressive Conservative donors across Ontario to ask them to boycott the party over anti-democratic actions.

The Council of Canadians is calling donors to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PCO) and asking them to stop giving the party money until the Ford government stops undermining democracy in the province.

“The Ford government promised not to cut the Basic Income Pilot Program – they lied about that,” said Mark Calzavara, an Organizer with the Council of Canadians. “They concealed their secret plans to gut Toronto City Council until after they were elected. And now they have announced they will use the notwithstanding clause anytime they want to ram through their agenda.”

Council of Canadians chapter volunteers have started calling PCO donors listed on the Elections Ontario website (sample script below). 10,510 donors gave $4.9 million to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario in 2017.  

“Progressive Conservative Party donors can hold the Ford Government to account between now and the 2022 election by withholding their donations. They can force the government to respect our constitution, and our democratic traditions,” said Rachel Small, an Organizer with the Council of Canadians. “We have spoken with a number of party supporters who are already very concerned about the Ford government’s actions just months after they assumed power.”

Sample script being used by Council of Canadians chapter volunteers when calling PCO donors.

“Hello my name is ________ and I’m calling from the Council of Canadians today to ask you to STOP donating to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario until they stop undermining our democracy. It is unacceptable for them to try and change the rules of the game in the middle of Toronto’s election, and to threaten to use the notwithstanding clause any time their agenda violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We’re calling donors like yourself to say that while you won’t have a chance to vote on the Ford government’s actions for the next 4 years you can keep your money in your pocket until then to show that you care about upholding democracy.

We hope you will vote with your wallet now and stop donating to the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.”

Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada’s leading social action organization, mobilizing a network of 60 chapters across the country, including 17 in Ontario.


For more information or to arrange interviews:

Mark Calzavara, Regional Organizer, Council of Canadians, 416-319-6524