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Sackville becomes first municipality in New Brunswick to oppose Energy East

No Energy East

FREDERICTON, NB – Last night Sackville town councillors passed a resolution brought forward by Mount Allison University students to oppose TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline proposal, making it the first municipality in New Brunswick to officially take a stand against the pipeline. Mark D’Arcy, New Brunswick Energy East Campaigner with the Council of Canadians, attended the vote and is available for comment on this issue.

“Given the proactive and progressive decisions this council has made on climate change and other issues, I was thrilled it stayed the course to oppose this fossil fuel infrastructure project,” said D’Arcy. “Council saw through TransCanada’s misleading information regarding jobs, pipeline safety and its own safety record, presented last week, and instead sided with concerned citizens.”

Students who brought the resolution forward, through Councillor Bill Evans, were also very pleased with the outcome.


For further information, please contact:

Mark D’Arcy, 506-454-5119