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Six years on, New Brunswick anti-fracking activists still waiting on police accountability report

Council of Canadians votes unanimously to call for RCMP Civilian Complaint Report to be released immediately

Ottawa — On the desk of Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale is an interim report that Council of Canadians members, Mi’kmaq water protectors, and other anti-fracking activists from New Brunswick, have been waiting six years to see. It addresses community complaints about policing issues experienced on the front lines of the 2013 shale gas protest in Kent County, New Brunswick, which was also called “Elsipogtog” and “Rexton” in media accounts.

At its 2019 national Annual Members’ Meeting on Saturday, June 22, the Council voted unanimously to support an emergency resolution calling for the release of this investigative report from the RCMP’s civilian oversight body.

“As climate-related protests continue to grow, Canadians need to know that the police will conduct themselves with respect to our democratic rights,” said Margo Sheppard, longtime activist from the Fredericton Council of Canadians chapter.

“The pursuit of accountability and justice has been stalled. The Council of Canadians stands firm in its support of our activists and the need to defend the democratic right to civil demonstrations,” said John Cartwright, newly elected Chair of the Council of Canadians.

Ann Pohl, Kent County NB Council of Canadians member and resident of Bass River, New Brunswick, stressed the urgency of the public release of the Civilian Commission’s report in the context of growing opposition to fossil fuel energy projects: “The report has taken six years to produce, and will form the basis of reform regarding the RCMP’s response to civil disobedience and protest. By releasing this report now, Minister Goodale will enable the beginning of an important dialogue with police and government about how we can protect our rights.”

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Available for comment on request:

Ann Pohl, Council of Canadians Activist

Margo Sheppard, Council of Canadians Activist

John Cartright, Chairperson, Council of Canadians


Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada’s leading social action organization, mobilizing a network of 60 chapters across the country.

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Ravi Joshi
Director of Communications, Council of Canadians

