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Citizen Oil Webinar

(Recording) Citizen Oil: How oil lobbyists hide behind the maple leaf to protect profit and delay climate action

Thank you for attending the webinar on September 15, 2022, “Citizen Oil: How oil lobbyists are hiding behind the maple leaf to protect their profits,” featuring’s Tzeporah Berman in conversation with Gordon Laxer and Tim Wood. This webinar was co-organized by the Council of Canadians and

Nearly 300 participants joined us online to hear about Big Oil’s new “citizen”-based pushback against climate action and what we can do to counter it. It was rich and lively discussion, and we got many requests afterwards for a recording of the event.

If you missed the webinar, or attended and want to share the video with friends, here it is:

Citizen Oil: How oil lobbyists are hiding behind the maple leaf to protect their profits
Tzeporah Berman in conversation with Gordon Laxer and Tim Wood
(Recorded September 15, 2022)

One clear takeaway from the panel was that countering Big Oil’s efforts to mobilize support for its climate-destroying policies requires real grassroots organizing. Below are some links we shared with participants during the webinar for reading further about these issues and where to connect with ongoing campaigns.

Find out more about Tzeporah’s work for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative:

Read Gordon Laxer’s report “Posing as Canadian” on foreign ownership of Canada’s oil industry:

Learn more about Tim Wood’s research on Canada’s Energy Citizens:

Get involved with the Council of Canadians’ campaign for a Just Transition for workers and communities impacted by the shift away from fossil fuels and to a more sustainable economy:

Take action with now to support a cap on emissions from oil and gas:

Questions from the webinar Q&A session: