NL LNG, a company based in Newfoundland and Labrador, has registered their Placentia Bay LNG Facility and Marine Terminal with the provincial government. This proposed LNG project would liquefy and export 4 million tons per year of natural gas in a new liquefaction facility.
Not only is it cataclysmically unwise to propose new fossil fuel infrastructure at this late stage of the climate crisis, but the proposal is very light on details about what exactly NL LNG is proposing to do. The company says its facility would be powered by either gas or electricity – they haven’t decided yet – and they would consider using carbon capture and storage (CCS) to capture resulting emissions and/or use these emissions for enhanced oil recovery (OER).
The Council of Canadians submitted comments to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Bernard Davis, urging him to reject the project based on the urgent climate crisis, and numerous issues with the project registration itself. The Avalon Chapter submitted comments as well. Read their submission here.