Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow speaks to a rally during our annual conference in St. John’s, October 2016.
Eighteen Council of Canadians chapters had a one-hour telephone conference call this evening to discuss the best ways to move forward on the resolutions passed at our annual conference in St. John’s last year.
The twelve resolutions that were passed cover a wide variety of concerns including support for frontline work in rural areas, funding for small and rural chapters, creating a youth section, organizing climate protests, challenging militarism, ending homelessness, and reforming offshore petroleum boards.
The chapters agreed that the first three resolutions – which related to prioritizing support for frontline work in rural areas, corporate capture, and funding policies – should have follow-up calls to discuss those matters in detail and that those meetings could be scheduled by means of a doodle poll circulated on the chapter list-serve.
In terms of the remaining resolutions, it was agreed that organizing staff would be in touch with the chapters in their region who put forward a resolution to discuss ways in which to move that work ahead. That could include a follow-up discussion at an upcoming regional meeting or on a quarterly regional conference call with chapters, through a specific action, or through a national conference call.
The chapters also agreed that we should have a conference call a month from now – likely on May 18 – to check-in on our progress on this work.
Participation in a Council of Canadians chapter is a terrific way to come together with other activists and to do important local and regional work while being connected to a national organization.
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