Post by Richard Hagensen, Council of Canadians – Campbell River Chapter
In celebration of Earth Day and our 25th anniversary on April 22nd, 2024, our Council of Canadians Campbell River chapter sponsored a screening of two BC made environmental films at the Campbell River Sportsplex. These films were Fracking The Peace, a 2021 film featuring the people of Northeastern BC whose lives, water and land have been changed by LNG fracking; and Troubled Water, a 2013 documentary by Paul Manly examining the threats to public water systems and watersheds focusing on the East Coast of Vancouver Island.
We had a full house of people interested in learning more about these environmental issues and taking action. There was lively audience participation discussing the issues raised by the films, with a particular focus on actions we can take to stop LNG fracking and protect water and watersheds. Audience members also enjoyed the coffee, tea and goodies provided, and many won prizes donated by the environmental organizations present at the event.

Our Council of Canadians chapter set up a table with materials celebrating our 25th anniversary. We commemorated past and present actions in our city involving local, national and international social justice and environmental issues such as protection of our water and watershed and old growth forests; eliminating plastic pollution; opposing corporate trade agreements; promoting publicly funded and administered quality health care available to all citizens in a timely manner, and transitioning away from fossil fuel production and exports and open net fish farms in our coastal waters. Also on our table were Frack Free BC petitions and related information; Canadian Perspectivesmagazines; our chapter’s scrapbooks filled with articles and photos from 1999 to the present time, and other material. Two other local environmental groups Campbell River Environmental Committee and Save Simms Creek also had informative displays at their tables.
Richard Hagensen
Council of Canadians – Campbell River Chapter
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