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NEWS: Naidoo to present to Finance Committee on C-38 this afternoon

Kady O’Malley’s well-read CBC ‘Inside Politics Blog’ states, “At Finance, another long day of omnibudget testimony lies ahead. On the witness list this morning: economists, academics and immigration lawyer Lorne Waldman, as well as representatives from the Canadian Federation of Students, Oxfam Canada, the Canadian Autoworkers Union, Retail Council of Canada and Campaign 2000 national chair Laurel Rothman. This afternoon, the committee will hear from former Rights and Democracy chair Aurel Braun, as well as Canada Without Poverty, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Conference of the Arts, the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, Canadian Media Guild, Canadian Museums Association and finally, the Council of Canadians.”

Council of Canadians campaigner Anil Naidoo will be speaking after 5 pm today in room C-110, 1 Wellington Street (near the Château Laurier) close to Parliament Hill.

Earlier this week, the Globe and Mail reported, “The budget legislation is before both the Commons finance committee and the Senate at the same time. …The government has refused to allow the bill to be divided in the Commons, but a subcommittee of the finance committee has been created to look at the changes to environmental-assessment legislation. The government plans to allow between 50 and 60 hours of debate at the committee level – to be spread between the finance committee and the subcommittee. The legislation will then be returned to the House for a final vote (likely before June 22)…”

The Council of Canadians opposes C-38
In addition to Naidoo’s presentation to the Finance Committee, the Council of Canadians has opposed the Budget Implementation Bill through:
1- Chairperson Maude Barlow’s op-ed ‘Harper and the environment are like oil and water
2- Trade campaigner Stuart Trew’s ACTION ALERT: Split up the budget: Environmental and border policy changes need a full debate
3- Our participation in the ‘Black Out, Speak Out‘ web-campaign initiative
4- Board member Rick Sawa speaking at a Leadnow ‘Blackmark Budget Bill‘ protest in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
5- Numerous campaign blogs to update and encourage action from our supporters.

More soon.