Steven Shrybman
As noted on the ‘Rally for Truth’ Facebook page, Council of Canadians Board of Directors member and lawyer Steven Shrybman will be speaking about the robocalls legal challenge this Sunday at 12:15 pm on Parliament Hill (near the Centennial Flame).
Additionally, three members of the Big Soul Project’s Tonettes will also be there singing a special version of their ‘Stop in the Name of Love’ song with lyrics ‘Stop the hypocrisy, we want democracy…’, as well as ‘We Shall Overcome’ with lyrics including, ‘Every vote should count (today)’ and ‘End election fraud (right now)’.”
The Facebook group can be found at http://www.facebook.com/groups/332872920112194/.
For more on the Council of Canadians ‘Democracy 24-7′ work, please see http://canadians.org/democracy247.