Claudia Campero Arena
Numerous Mexican organizations – notably the Coalition of Mexican Organizations for the Right to Water (COMDA) – have made the demand that the right to water should be included in the Mexican Constitution.
Mexico City-based Blue Planet Project organizer Claudia Campero Arena has reported that on April 28, 2011, the federal Chamber of Deputies (the 500-member lower house of the Congress of the Union) approved an initiative to recognize the right to water and to a healthy environment in the Mexican Constitution. She noted then that the approved initiative would still need to go through the 128-member Senate and then through at least half of the 32 state legislatures to be included in the Constitution.
Today, Campero reports the news that the right to water resolution passed the Senate’s Constitutional Points Commission and its next step is now to go to the full plenary of the Senate. This is very exciting news and an important step forward toward the recognition of the right to water in the Mexican Constitution.
More soon.