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WIN! Victoria becomes a blue community

Victoria city council

Victoria city council

The news came in the form of a Tweet early this morning from Victoria chapter activist Bharat Chandramouli — “Victoria is now officially a Blue Community! Affirms human right to water, public stewardship and a municipal bottled water ban!”

While Nestle Waters Canada launched a last-minute bid to stop this blue community motion – specifically a prohibition on the sale of bottled water at city hall, the city works yard, the parks yard, and Crystal Pool – Victoria city councillors voted to have their city become a blue community, thus expressing their recognition of water as a human right, that water and wastewater services should be publicly financed, owned and operated, and that bottled water should not be sold in public facilities and at municipal events.

Earlier this week, the Victoria Times Colonist editorial board backed the blue community resolution,

More soon.

The 18-page Blue Communities Project guidebook that can assist you in making your community a blue community, can be read at
