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International civil society experts available at Ottawa’s TPP negotiations

Health care, the Internet, and country sovereignty at stake: International civil society experts available at Ottawa’s TPP negotiations


Ottawa – During the July 2014 TPP negotiations in Ottawa, civil society experts from all over the world will give a press briefing, July 9th at 10am.

The TransPacific Partnership agreement is monumental agreement with 40 per cent of the world economy in play and 12 countries involved.  The Council of Canadians has already alerted people to the secrecy of the talks, where even the city was revealed at the last minute. The agreement could put in jeopardy access to medicine, internet privacy, health care and environment regulation.

Scott Harris, Trade Campaigner for the Council of Canadians says, “These renowned experts can demystify these complex, yet significant, issues with the trade deal.”

Jessa Boehner, from Public Citizen adds, “This trade deal is NAFTA and CETA on steroids. This agreement is being kept secret, and that means citizens’ concerns are not at the table.  “

Experts will discuss ways in which the TPP goes beyond previous agreements, such as NAFTA and CETA, to further erode nations’ sovereignty and limit the ability of future governments to regulate in the public interest, instead further empowering corporate rights. Presentations will also address TPP implications for Japan, including the recently released Japan-Australia FTA text.

When:  July 9th, 10am

Where:  Delta Ottawa City Centre (101 Lyon St), Business centre, Mezzanine Level (through the front door, up the stairs – across from the Lift restaurant).

Tentative participants and topic areas include:

  • Dr. Michael Geist, University of Ottawa, Canada: Data privacy and control of the internet, copyright term extensions for books. (See Toronto Star article.)
  • Professor Jane Kelsey, University of Auckland, New Zealand: New pro-corporate rules on policy processes and decisions, federal and provincial state entities, financial crises, and unilateral US certification
  • Dr. Burcu Kilic, Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines Program, USA.: Access to medicines (See Ottawa Citizen article.)
  • Jessa Boehner, Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, USA: U.S. public and congressional opposition to Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)

Outside Interviews with experts can also be arranged. Enclosed are bios of the participants.

This press conference is organized by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Open Media, Public Citizen, and the Council of Canadians.


Contact: Jessa Boehner, Public Citizen (until July 9th): 717-253-4718

Sujata Dey, Media Officer, Council of Canadians:  1-800-387-7177 ext. 226 | Cell: 613-796-7724 |
