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Maude Barlow’s personal message to Abbotsford: Vote ‘no’ to a P3 in the municipal referendum!

Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to vote no to a public-private partnership (P3) deal that city politicians have proposed. Under this P3, a private company would design, build and operate a proposed water source and treatment centre at Stave Lake for up to 30 years.Some P3s have resulted in increased water rates or decreased water quality. They lack transparency and threaten local democracy.

This proposed P3 would cost $300 million, but the costs could escalate. Already, the city has spent more than $200,000 convincing you this P3 is a good idea. But are they telling you all the facts? Contrary to what city politicians are telling you, the Abbotsford-Mission Water and Sewer Commission says the current water supply is sufficient – as long as conservation measures take place – until 2031. The proposed P3 would be just the second of its kind in Canada and would set a dangerous precedent across the country.

The Council of Canadians encourages you to vote ‘no’ to water privatization in your community and set an example for the whole country. Please vote ‘no’ tomorrow!

Please email, send or post this message on Facebook, Twitter or your blog!

Maude Barlow
National Chairperson
Council of Canadians