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RCMP make arrests at fracking protest this morning

This morning the RCMP are arresting courageous defenders of the land and water. Police have been brought in from across the province so that SWN Resources can move their seismic ‘thumper’ trucks into place for fracking tests – all against the wishes of the people.

Early reports have at least one member of the Council of Canadians Fredericton chapter on site this morning.

Halifax-based Council of Canadians organizer Angela Giles and organizing assistant Ali Vervaeke were there yesterday and met with Warrior Chief John Levi of the Elsipogtog First Nation. To read Angela’s blog, please see ‘Powerful resistance to shale gas in NB may soon come to a head’ noted below.

Solidarity with those at Highway 126 in Kent County working to stop fracking!

To be continued.

For more, please read:
Peaceful resistance to shale gas in NB may soon come to a head
NEWS: Elsipogotg say fracking trucks will not pass sacred fire
UPDATE: Fredericton chapter joins highway protest against fracking trucks
UPDATE: Council sends solidarity message to fracking protest in New Brunswick