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Hydraulic fracturing – or “fracking” as it is more commonly known – is a technique that involves the injection of millions of litres of water and thousands of litres of unidentified chemicals underground at very high pressure in order to create fractures in the underlying shale rock formations and extract the natural gas below the surface. The Council of Canadians opposes fracking because of its high water use, its high carbon emissions, its impacts on human health, the disruption it causes to wildlife, and the danger it poses to groundwater and local drinking water. We are calling for a country-wide halt on fracking operations, and work with people in communities across Canada who are saying “No fracking way!”

Draft PEI Water Act proposes ban on fracking, leaves question of high-capacity wells unanswered

Draft PEI Water Act proposes ban on fracking, leaves question of high-capacity wells unanswered

Leo Broderick and Maude Barlow have highlighted the need to protect water in Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown-based Council of Canadians ...
Public Inquiry needed to properly investigate deep social and environmental harms of fracking, coalition says

Public Inquiry needed to properly investigate deep social and environmental harms of fracking, coalition says

VANCOUVER – A promised “review” of natural gas industry fracking operations should be broadened to a full Public Inquiry that ...
NAFTA compounds 1.2 trillion litres of toxic petrochemical waste in tar sands tailings ponds

NAFTA compounds 1.2 trillion litres of toxic petrochemical waste in tar sands tailings ponds

The Council of Canadians campaigns against the proposed Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain and TransCanada Energy East pipelines, as well ...
Council of Canadians condemns Wynne government giving green light to fracking in Ontario

Council of Canadians condemns Wynne government giving green light to fracking in Ontario

The Ontario government recently made regulatory changes to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act that open the door to ...
Wynne government opens the door to fracking in Ontario

Wynne government opens the door to fracking in Ontario

Premier Kathleen Wynne and Natural Resources minister Kathryn McGarry The Council of Canadians is concerned that a recently-passed amendment to ...
The Council of Canadians says fracking ban should be included in PEI Water Act

The Council of Canadians says fracking ban should be included in PEI Water Act

University of Prince Edward Island professor Kevin Arsenault writes in The Guardian, "At the Environmental Leader's Forum held during ...
Red Deer chapter supports landowners opposed to fracking

Red Deer chapter supports landowners opposed to fracking

Crews clean up near Red Deer after a fracking-related oil spill. The Council of Canadians Red Deer chapter is opposed ...
Maliseet chiefs feel pressured to accept open-pit mine & tailings pond north of Fredericton

Maliseet chiefs feel pressured to accept open-pit mine & tailings pond north of Fredericton

The Council of Canadians campaigns against destructive mining projects and tar sands pipelines and in support of Indigenous rights, ...